Saturday, September 7, 2013

Syria: The Beginning of the End

Even if you haven't been watching the news, you know about Syria. It is sweeping the headlines and people are wondering what should be done. Some say that all we need to do is take out Assad, and other's think we shouldn't do anything. I fall under the do nothing category, and here is why.

Taking out Assad is a great idea in theory. Here's the problem though: who is going to fill the power void when he's dead? There isn't anyone within the Syrian government or military that the U.S. can back. So who would be filling the empty void? Well, we don't really know. It could end up being the Muslim Brotherhood, or an Al Qaeda affiliate. We really don't even know for sure who the Rebel fighters are. Some have ties to terrorist groups, which we CANNOT support in any way at all. This is one reason why the President is having such a hard time getting Congressional approval in the House. Both Democrats and Republicans know that we cannot support the same people who terrorized New York City and Washington D.C. on September 11, 2001. To be honest, we really don't know enough about what is happening in Syria to help them out, no matter how horrible things are.

Here is why I think we shouldn't do anything.

1) This would cause an all out war in the Middle East. First of all, the region is extremely unstable right now. Egypt, which is being overshadowed by Syria, is in turmoil. Iran is trying to prove themselves on a national stage to the world, and there is a sudden rise for governments to become Islamic states. That's what the Arab Spring has been all about. Turning countries into and Islamic state (this is a whole other blog post in itself).

2) Russia is heavily involved in the Middle East. Russia has been supplying Iran materials to make nuclear weapons, alongside China. Not only that, but Russian leader Vladimir Putin is a backer of Syrian leader Assad. Russia is an ally with Syria, and wants to keep it that way. So, when the United States announced that we were thinking about a missile strike, Russia put warships off the coast of Syria and Israel. Russia then said they would intercept any missile that the U.S. fires at Syria. Doesn't sound like Russia is an ally of the United States anymore.

3) China is a backer of Assad. China owns most of our debt. Need I say more?

4) Iran came out this week and said that if the U.S. strikes Syria, they will attack Israel. Not that this President cares about Israel, but they are our only ally left in the Middle East. Plus, that is exactly what Iran wants because they hate Israel. They want us to strike so that they can flex their muscles. Trust me, we attack and the entire Middle East will implode upon itself.

Now, there is something very interesting about this whole situation that I am really keeping an eye on. The other day I made the connection that Russia is aligned with Iran, Syria, and China. Well, Russia is also considered an ally with Israel. That may not seem interesting at this point in time, but here is what my mind is thinking...

The Bible talks about how Israel has to sign a peace treaty for 7 years with a ten nation empire. The leader of this empire is the Antichrist. The Antichrist is a very interesting character in that he must be of Russian or German descent, and must be a world leader. Now, I am not saying this for sure, but Vladimir Putin is kind of becoming a world leader. He has his hands in several key countries in the Middle East like Iran and Israel, who have been threatening to strike each other for years. Could Putin come along with a group of nations and say, "Hey, let us try and give the Middle East some stability. For seven years, you two have to stop bickering and promise not to attack, and we will review this in 3 1/2 years." I am not claiming at all that this is what is going to happen, but my political mind mixes with my end times mind and says that something is cooking between Russia and the Middle East. It would be political genius for Putin, and would bring him more power and respect because he helped bring peace to the Middle East.

I don't know why, but that could be the reality. Just keep an eye out for Putin and see what his next moves are with the conflict in Syria.  

Thursday, August 1, 2013

"I could have been Trayvon Martin"- Barack Obama

I know the Zimmerman trial has been over for a while, but I have been REALLY busy and wanted to address the quote in this title. The week after the verdict of George Zimmerman was read, Whiner in Chief had a press conference. Of course, I didn't know about it until it was on all the news networks. To be honest, I am honestly sick of seeing his face. All the President does is whine and moan because he didn't get his way. Mr. President: Grow up and act like the 40 some-odd year old man you are instead of a three year old infant. (There's my rant!)

Anyway, at this press conference Obama said (paraphrasing), "I know what it's like to walk by a car and have them lock the doors. I know what it's like to get in an elevator and have a woman clutch her purse.......My son could have been Trayvon. I could have been Trayvon." Okay, I understand that there is a stereotype against the Black community. What I don't think Barack Obama understands is that his policies and rhetoric feed that stereotype.

Here is what I mean. People have a stereotype against Blacks because of what the inner cities such as Chicago, Detroit, Flint, and New York have. High crime and violence. How do his policies feed that? By giving them free stuff, like cell phones, food, and housing, he is keeping the Black community in poverty. What incentive do they have to work? What incentive do they have to do anything? "Oh, look!! I can get free stuff!! I just have to have more kids, and I never have to get a job!!!" Now I know that not everyone on welfare think that. There are some who genuinely need the assistance, but those are not who I am talking about. Let me clarify that!!!!

The Black community is in deep poverty. Last I heard, the Black teen unemployment rate was nearly 25%, and 15% among adults, and both of those numbers are on the low side. Why is this? Democrats have given them everything for free, and they have no desire to work because everything is handed to them on a silver spoon by the government. By doing this, the Democrats have locked in their votes, while also forcing the Black community back into slavery via the Democratic party. By doing this, the Black community has found ways to make money such as selling drugs, and joining gangs. This raises crime and violence levels in those communities like Chicago and Detroit.

Democratic Liberal policies are why Trayvon Martin was killed. By keeping the Black community in poverty, which results in higher crime and violence, there has been a stereotype that all, or most Blacks are violent criminals. I don't know what happened that night, and what happened in the end was not what ANY person wanted. Barack Obama complains about the poverty level among Blacks, yet he should look at his policies and see that he is the one causing the crime rates to increase, and the poverty level increase. I honestly think he knows that he is doing this. He knows that Democrats, including himself, need the Black vote to win elections. The next time the President wants to point fingers at Republicans for causing this mess, he needs only to look in the mirror to see where the problem lies, and behind him he will find Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Eric Holder.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Paula Deen.........So What?!

Now, I know this Paula Deen story isn't really political, but it has political implications. I don't know much about Ms. Deen, nor did I watch her show. My sister thinks highly of her, and enjoys her cooking. I have seen her in interviews and think that she seems like a caring person. To put it simply, I like her. So she voted for Obama, not exactly her greatest decision, but I can look past that.

If you haven't heard about this story, Paula Deen used the "N" word back in 1986. She confessed to it during a civil suit filed against her and her brother. She put out a video of her apologizing. After people complained that the video was poorly edited, she put out a new one. Food Network has dropped her show, and other companies are beginning to follow, or considering dropping her.

Now that we are somewhat up to date on that, here is what is getting me. This has become a big story in the Main Stream Media (MSM). Today on Fox News Live with Megyn Kelly, there were two people who responded. One was a conservative talk radio host, who was black, and a white female liberal talk radio host. They debated back and forth about the topic. The conservative sees a double standard in the use. He brought up the point that when the "N" word is used in music 29 times, its an art, but when a white person uses it once its racist and insensitive and they should lose everything.

There was something that the liberal said that caught my attention. She said that her black friends say it's okay for them to use it between themselves, but coming from a white person it's very offensive. The part that stuck out to me in that statement that she said she had black friends. So what if you have black friends? I love this about liberals. They try to trump conservatives to make themselves look better, like conservatives don't have black friends. The conservative she was debating was black!! Really? It is a liberal ideal to make oneself look better than the other, a self-righteousness politically speaking. "Look at me!!! I have black friends so I know everything there is about racism!!!"

What is interesting is that the black liberals aren't mad about this, it's the white liberals!! MSNBC does almost nothing but talk about racism today. Al Sharpton, the left wing civil rights leader, came out and said that she shouldn't be judged based on what happened almost 30 years ago. Granted, Paula Deen is apparently a liberal, so of course Al came to her aid right away. If it were a white conservative, then it probably would be a different tone.

As offensive as the "N" word is to people, Paula Deen under the Constitution has every right to use it if she wants, just like rappers do when they use it 29 times in a song. Political correctness is what this story is about. People wanting to silence others because what they are saying may be "offensive." Of course you don't want to offend someone. Yes, it hurts. That doesn't mean that they CAN'T say it. If offends me when people call Sarah Palin stupid, or call me fat, but I don't tell them to shut up. They have every right to say what they want, no matter how offensive it may be.

Does that mean that people should slur people for gain? No. There is a limit to what a person should say about another. As a Christian, I believe that all people are made in God's image, and should be respected as so no matter what their beliefs. I am talking mostly about banning words. That is where freedom of speech begins to be infringed upon. We cannot stay silent on this, because once that freedom is taken away, then all our rights fall just like a row of domino's. One right after the other. Let's put an end to political correctness and expose it, in a respectful way. Paula Deen is just the beginning.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

First Post!!!!

Okay, so I am going to keep my first post very simple. The purpose of this blog is to discuss the politics of the day, and my PERSONAL views on issues. You don't have to agree with me. I love a good debate, so feel free to disagree with me! Most of my posts, at this point, will just be rants about what is going on in the news, mostly in the federal government. Politics is my passion, and I love to discuss hot topic issues.

I love America, and I want to see her prosper. What is happening today with the recent IRS, Benghazi, AP/Fox News scandals are examples of how America is on the wrong track. President Reagan said that freedom isn't passed from generation to generation by blood, it is fought for. When Americans fail to fight for our God (gasp!) given freedom, the government comes in and takes them. America is the greatest government experiment in history. It has worked as a republic, and as Ben Franklin said, we only have it if we can keep it. That is my goal, to keep America as the Founder's intended: a nation where her citizens are free to express opinions, and actually be involved in their government. The government works for us, not the other way around. If we forget this truth, then we will be working for the government. America is great, lets keep it that way. As President Ronald Reagan said in his farewell speech from the Oval Office,

"I've spoken of the shining city all my political life…. And how stands the city on this winter night? … After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true to the granite ridge, and her glow has held no matter what storm. And she's still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home." 
